1-Click Intake
Get from the first call to customer intake 10x faster
Our technology ensures that lenders, fintechs, financial institutions, and debt consolidation companies can get 100% verified information including a complete borrower profile, debt info, and real-time credit card balances in just one click. This means no more manual data entry or verification. Plus, you’ll get updated information on the customers’ current debts as needed.
Solution Benefits
No more manual data entry and verification
In just a few minutes and one single click, you’ll get a complete, verified borrower profile, detailed debt information – including closed accounts – and real-time credit card balances.
Real-time data updates
Data profiles can be easily updated with verified information. This gives you visibility into the impact of their debt resolution plan.
How it Works
All you need from your client is:
- Phone number.
- Birthdate.
- Consent to share.
You’ll instantly access all of the verified data you need to complete the customers intake including:
- Real-time credit card balances
- 9-digit SSNs
- Credit scores
- Recent & past addresses
- Full account numbers
- Real-time balances
- Interest rates
- Render Spinwheel’s embedded debt connect module on your app
- Users are presented with a form to enter phone number and date of birth
- Users receive a text message to verify and consent
- On the backend you are returned all of their liabilities and data