1-Click Balance Transfers

Make highly-targeted balance transfer offers in just one click

All you need is a customer’s phone number and birthdate and our API gives you complete visibility into a user’s third-party credit cards, including real-time balances. This data allows you to intelligently target and personalize your balance transfer offers. It only takes the customer one click to accept the balance transfer. Then we immediately process the transfer of funds and receive confirmation and settlement details automatically.

1-Click Balance Transfers

Solution Benefits

Personalized recommendations

Precisely target the best users for balance transfers

Our API gives you consumer-permissioned visibility into an applicant’s external credit lines including real-time balances

Increase offer take rate

Increase offer take rate

Improve application completion rates and increase conversions with a streamlined balance transfer flow

Account controls

Instant direct disbursement

As soon as the user accepts, we’ll immediately process the transfer of funds and you’ll receive confirmation and settlement details automatically.

How it Works

All you need from the borrower is:

  • Phone number.
  • Birthdate.
  • Consent to share.

You’ll access ALL of the data you need to target and optimize your offers, including:

  • Full account numbers
  • Credit card balances (in real time!)
  • SSN
1-Click Balance Transfers
Balance Transfers Code
For Developers
Easy-to-Embed Debt Solutions
  • Transfer your users’ balances from a connected account, with a single payment request 
  • Instantly track the payment request status through webhooks